Okay, here's the first few months of my road map to getting rich and how I've done so far as of today. As you can see, I have had bad months where my growth was negative. My original goal was a monthly growth of 6%. I had wanted to double my money every year and 6% every month gets you there. But I now suspect that that might be a bit too ambitious (though I still think it is attainable).
I've settled at 3% as a more realistic monthly goal. Still good by the way because at 3% compounded every month you end up with 42.6% by year end. Ain't no time deposit that comes close to that!
For the month to date, my growth is 1.47% but that should change when market sentiment turns, which I think is happening already. I'm well positioned now to reap the benefits of a small rally.
So, how am I doing? My current growth average of 1.47% is currently below my target but it's been moving up and down over the past days and sometimes breaks 2.5%. Remember that this is while the market is still consolidating. Imagine the numbers when the rally does come! I'm also ahead on my ending balance, mostly because I've been more aggressive putting money in my trading account. (extra moolah from various moonlighting rackets)
The goal is to see my first million by March 2014 or earlier which is roughly 4 years from now. The next million should take only 2o months more; the next one, only 12 months more; and so on and so on with each million being attained faster.
Open a spreadsheet and check my math. It can be done. I'm proving it in real time. Just watch me do it.
Come check this blog regularly or just come back twenty years after. I'll be a multi-millionaire then. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!
hi, how did you compute the GROWTH for ACTUAL portion?